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The Cardone Zone

Oct 28, 2016

Grant Cardone and Jarrod Glandt bring you the tools you need to succeed in the 21st Century. Plenty of you want true freedom, prefer entrepreneurship to 9-to-5 and are hungry for a mentor who gives you the raw and real deal. Grant doesn’t care what your age is, he knows you’re a Young Hustler. Every Thursday at 12...

Oct 21, 2016

How do you start your day? Do you have a routine? When you think of the word ritual, do you picture a bunch of guys wearing hoodies starting a fire out in the woods? A ritual is really just a sequence of activities. Grant doesn’t do a ritual every day because he’s not perfect, but he is good and wins most of the...

Oct 14, 2016

Are you burned out? Grant gets asked, “how do you do all this stuff you do?” and “how do you balance it all?” First off you don’t want balance. Burning out is a reduction of fuel or substance. You are not a candle so you can’t burn out. When the things you do no longer fulfill you, you might start to feel...

Oct 7, 2016

Grant Cardone fought a category 4 Hurricane and is back in the studio talking about how budgets don’t work. Was a hurricane in your budget this year? Most people don’t have an emergency budget but you need one, yet the only way to make a budget work is to out produce it. You can’t predict everything that is going...