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The Cardone Zone

Apr 29, 2016

Today on the Cardone Zone Grant Cardone talks about the YOUEconomy. Wages are not increasing folks, and we are entering a new economic age. Make a decision to focus on the YOU economy. Take responsibility for your finances—it’s on you. Set a target and start doing the math. Take a second job, whatever it takes to...

Apr 22, 2016

Today on the Cardone Zone Grant Cardone brings news of a coming recession. It’s been 8 years since the last major recession and Grant says we are in another one. When there is cranes in the air, beware. Stay away from real estate right now. Sell your house. It’s too late when the hurricane hits. When the contraction...

Apr 15, 2016

On today’s episode, Grant talks about something that even some of the 2016 presidential candidates could use a few tips about—how to sell yourself. Simply showing up is not enough. Grant discusses how some of the GOP candidates may have been on-stage, but they didn’t show-up to blow-up.

Watch Grant discuss these...

Apr 8, 2016

In this edition of the Cardone Zone Grant Cardone tells you to GET RICH. Every Friday he gets you in HIS zone and today he tells you all about the R Word. Mommy and daddy told you not to talk about money. Talk about money. Not just enough money. The people who have money are in control. They make decisions. It...

Apr 1, 2016

Grant is talking today about how to get your mind on your money. He goes into how millionaires view their money versus how everyone else does. Do have that wealth mentality? Are you trying to 10X your finances so you can reach your dreams?

Do you think the wealthy have an unfair financial advantage?

Everyone has the...