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The Cardone Zone

Dec 18, 2015

On today’s episode Grant Cardone talks about why so many of us are dragging and how to get pumped-up and rebooted for the new year. 2016 is just around the corner and it’s important to renew, replenish and revive yourself for a fresh start. Don’t forget about 2015 just yet though, because there is still plenty of...

Dec 11, 2015

With 93.1% of small businesses earning annual revenues of less than $250k and 57.1% with revenues of less than $25k, it pays to understand why small businesses are failing. Obviously, every business is unique, but there are some common causes for disaster.

On this week’s episode, Grant discusses the five reasons...

Dec 4, 2015

Grant’s Wealth Tips:
1. Study those who achieved wealth.
2. Understand money isn’t made it is collected.
3. Don’t earn to spend, earn to invest.
4. Create passive, residual income flows.

Grant takes callers and encourages them to study Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg and other wealthy people and pay attention to...

Nov 30, 2015

Grant Cardone offers tips and insights to help people grow their money so they retire with millions. You cannot save your way to wealth. In this episode of the Cardone Zone Grant explains how low interest rates make it a tough time to retire. He also explains that putting money in the bank and praying for a miracle...

Nov 30, 2015

Grant Cardone offers insights and advice to help the middle class break out and achieve true freedom in business, career and finance.

Each week NY Times best selling author, self made multimillionaire entrepreneur and international sales expert Grant Cardone focuses on matters affecting the middle class. Whether...