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The Cardone Zone

Dec 30, 2016

How do you start your day? Do you have a routine? When you think of the word ritual, do you picture a bunch of guys wearing hoodies starting a fire out in the woods? A ritual is really just a sequence of activities. Grant doesn’t do a ritual every day because he’s not perfect, but he is good and wins most of the time.

He’s happier, has more confidence, and gets more energy when he does his ritual.

1. Wake up and beat the sun—Why way until the neighborhood is already up when you can be the first one?
2. Write your goals down—Journal your future, don’t report your past. You can only write about your mommy and daddy so many times. Your attention needs to be on the future.
3. Urinate
4. Workout—This will give you energy for the rest of the day.
5. Shower
6. Read
7. Eat
8. Listen to music while driving to work that pumps you up.

You don’t have to have this same exact routine but do something that fits you. Don’t wait until you get to work to get your day started. You should know your targets for the day before you get to the office. In a crazy world you can bring normality, prediction, and control by having a ritual. You need to deliver every day and bring it—and having a daily ritual will help you fill your calendar and be more productive.