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The Cardone Zone

Jul 29, 2016

Today on the Cardone Zone Grant Cardone compares and contrasts the stock market and real estate.

If you invested $1,000 in stocks (one share of the DOW) in 1985 today it would be worth $18,950. The average cost of home in 1985 was $24k and today it is $240K. You don’t make 216K from that, you have to put a new roof on...

Jul 22, 2016

Every Friday Grant Cardone brings you the Cardone Zone, and today he talks about 7 indicators that suggest the economic window is starting to tighten and close. This isn’t to scare you but to get you ready. The Government wants inflation. They collect more income when inflation happens. For you, saving money is not...

Jul 15, 2016

Today on the Cardone Zone Grant Cardone discusses the chaos in Nice, France and the fact that you have to take responsibility for your freedom and safety by staying alert. The main lesson is to keep your eyes open. If you can’t see problems how can you see opportunities? It’s all about awareness. Learning how to use...

Jul 8, 2016

Today on the Cardone Zone Grant Cardone talks about the Federal Reserve. Money is only as valuable as the confidence people have in it. Raise your awareness. Where do banks get their money from? Money is anything that is excepted for value. The dollar is not backed by gold. The country is $20 trillion in debt. What are...

Jul 1, 2016

What do I do with my money?

Today on the Cardone Zone Grant Cardone takes callers and talks about stocks and the financial condition of the world today. If you’re in stocks sell. Grant got rid of his stocks last week. In your lifetime you will see no more Macy’s and Kmart because shopping centers are going under....